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Fire Country Season 3 Episode 2 Spoilers: Who’s In Front of the Firing Squad?


Out 24, 2024

Fans are overjoyed at the return of the Leone bunch and the members of the Station 42 firehouse in Edgewater, California.

And our Fire Country Season 3 Episode 2 spoilers will give you a heads-up on what to expect from the next episode of everyone’s favorite firefighting show!

Be sure to visit our comments section and leave us your thoughts on the spoilers for Fire Country Season 3 Episode 2, and let us know how you think the season will be after watching Fire Country Season 3 Episode 1.

Fire Country Season 3 Episode 2 spoilers collageFire Country Season 3 Episode 2 spoilers collage
(Sergei Bachlakov/CBS)

Fire Country Season 3 Episode 2 Spoilers

When Fire Country Season 2 ended on a major cliffhanger, fans spent months in agony as we waited to find out if Gabriela said “I do” or “I don’t” to Diego.

If fans hoped we’d have the answer when Fire Country Season 3 returned, we were sadly — and frustratingly — mistaken. Fire Country Season 3 Episode 1 ended on a massive cliffhanger.

Before Gabriela could say her vows, a major crisis occurred.

Instead of Bode crashing her wedding, it was a helicopter, ironically towing a Congrats Diego and Gabriela banner.

Although Gabriela did a good deal of delaying the wedding herself with her awkward moment of silence instead of the excited “I do” expected of a giddy bride rushing to marry the man of her dreams.

Gabriela and Bode handle a helicopter explosionGabriela and Bode handle a helicopter explosion
(Sergei Bachlakov/CBS)

As the Fire County Season 3 premiere came to an end, fans had four distinct plotlines still left unresolved. Let’s look at how these cliffhangers could get resolved in Fire Country Season 3 Episode 2.

What Will the Bride Say?

The Bode-Gabriela-Diego love triangle dominated the shortened second season of Fire Country, bordering close to soap opera territory.

Some fans got tired of Gabs and Bode’s “Will they” or “Won’t they” nonsense. This writer falls into the “it’s over, move on” category. I’m ready for fresh drama. Not a continuing storyline from the first season.

Fire Country seems to fall into the habit of creating drawn-out storylines that they eventually abandon without reason. The Bodela relationship being one of them, along with Bode’s prison sentence.

Gabriela and Bode on an emergency sceneGabriela and Bode on an emergency scene
(Sergei Bachlakov/CBS)

Just when we thought things would find a new sense of normalcy now that Bode’s out of prison and Gabriela is marrying Diego, a monkey wrench damaged the cogs.

Bode planned to do the right thing and walk away.

But Gabriela made it extremely difficult by asking him why he left her wedding. But how weird was it that he was even there in the first place? She’s getting married. The last thing she should care about was the absence of her ex during the ceremony.

Can I get your thoughts here, folks?

Was it appropriate for Gabby to ask those questions of Bode when she was supposed to marry Diego? What do you think Gabriela was going to say to Diego before the helicopter crashed?

Yay or nay?

Gabriela, Diego, and Bode stand by an ambulanceGabriela, Diego, and Bode stand by an ambulance
(Sergei Bachlakov/CBS)

Gabriela might have given Diego her answer as she, he, and Bode worked to rescue the trapped, injured pilot. She admitted the kiss during the campaign fire.

Is Gabs leaving Diego for Bode?

Could the explosion that ended the Fire Country’s third season premiere be symbolic of Gabriela and Diego’s relationship going up in flames?

Manny Will Be Behind Bars Soon

When the second season ended after a delayed too-short season, Manny was sitting with his hands cuffed behind his back in a police car.

He self-surrendered after giving us the scare of a lifetime when we saw him walking away on a solo mission over 100 miles from Edgewater after learning he had an arrest warrant out for him.

Thankfully, he came back in time to walk Gabriela down the aisle.

Gabriela uses her hand-held radioGabriela uses her hand-held radio
(Sergei Bachlakov/CBS)

Stupid Luke.

When Fire Country returned with its third season, Manny’s situation was worse. Now, he was locked in the back of a cop car with two injured, unconscious police officers. Thank God Sharon came to the rescue.

Would you have uncuffed Manny so he could offer aid? Or would you have stuck to the law and kept him cuffed? I’m with Sharon.

Like Manny said, he’s a firefighter, first and foremost.

It was nice seeing Luke support Manny once some angry cops showed up to take him into custody. Their hostility was unnecessary and ruffled this Manny-lover’s feathers. He helped save their colleagues’ lives.


Show some dang respect.

We’re still speculating on what Fire Country Season 3 looks like for Manny after his incident with Luke. Could he become the newest resident at Three Rock Prison Camp?

Speaking of Three Rock, it was unfortunate that we didn’t see them respond to the multiple emergencies. It’s been a common complaint that we don’t see enough of the camp and its inmates. We hope that changes in this season.

Manny believes he’s a goner, so he’s tried to enlist Sharon and Vince to keep Bode and Gabriela apart. While Sharon and Vince don’t see an issue with their relationship, Manny sees the same obsessive desperation he had with his wife.

Gabriela's mother is at the ball. - Fire Country Season 2 Episode 8Gabriela's mother is at the ball. - Fire Country Season 2 Episode 8
(Sergei Bachlakov/CBS)

We admit there are similarities. Overall, their entire relationship has been unhealthy.

Will Bode Join the CFD Training Program?

Fire Country Season 3 has more room to focus on character development than the uber-short previous season.

So it’s not surprising that we instantly picked up with Bode back on his heroic, entitled spiral as he sought a way to feed his newest addiction — firefighting. He even tried to make a deal with the devil himself.

Bode looks at something next to himBode looks at something next to him
(Eric Milner/CBS)

Yes, we’re talking about Luke.

You know your boy is desperate for a fix when he goes to the very uncle who already betrayed him for help.

Luke was okay with Bode returning to prison for the rest of his sentence if the prison fire camp closed like Luke wanted. So, why would Bode think Luke would do anything to get him into the actual fire department?

Given Bode’s disregard for the chain of command and his reckless abandonment of his own life, is firefighting the right fit for him?

Is Bode really a legacy hero firefighter prodigy like his mom, dad, uncle, grandfather, best friends, and even his ex? Or is he a junkie looking for a legal, non-drug method of getting high?

Gabriela and Bode talk in their fire turnoutsGabriela and Bode talk in their fire turnouts
(Sergei Bachlakov/CBS)

Would Bode have enough self-control to make it through fire training without making a bad impression or stepping on his superiors’ toes?

Could he pass a psych exam?

I mean, would that even matter? It didn’t for Gibbs when he started with NCIS. By the way, who else is loving the NCIS: Origins show?

In Fire Country Season 3 Episode 2, we’ll learn more about the fire training program and meet a new character. Audrey James (Leven Rambin) is a former camp inmate turned training cadet.

Audrey James as a fire cadet and former prison inmateAudrey James as a fire cadet and former prison inmate
(Sergei Bachlakov/CBS)

What is Sharon’s Future?

Sharon Leone is a natural mother bear. She protects and supports anyone in her orbit, whether they’re blood or not.

It’s no surprise that she’s advocating so hard for Bode to become an official member of the North California Fire Department division. Why wouldn’t she want to continue working closely with her kid?

Not to mention how easy it would be to keep an eye on him and run interference if he was f’ing up.

Sharon tries to offer emergency helpSharon tries to offer emergency help
(Eric Milner/CBS)

But for her to be willing to seek help from Luke is mind-numbingly frustrating.

Not that she decided to try convincing him to pull strings to get Bode into a program with an extensive year waitlist of candidates far more qualified.

As a mother, I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same in her shoes.

And this show has zero problems with nepotism. Perhaps that’s the great thing about TV. We can watch blatant rule-breaking and support it because we know it’s not real. In real life, we’d be demanding lawsuits and resignations.

This viewer wouldn’t half mind seeing a resignation by Luke Leone. Or I could settle for a major demotion.

Speaking of his current title, does anyone else fear that Sharon’s attempts to get him to help out Bode will come with some strings attached? If I were in Luke’s position, I’d use Sharon’s former position as leverage.

(Sergei Bachlakov/CBS)

If he tries to help Bode get into fire training, Sharon will change her mind about taking back her Battalion Chief role, which Luke now holds.

The Baby Daddy Drama Continues

It could just be my way of thinking, but Fire Country certainly seems to have it out for all the females in Bode’s orbit.

From his sister to Cara to Gabriela to Genevieve, Bode doesn’t seem to be able to keep a female in his life for long. Even his mother stopped wanting anything to do with him for a short time.

We’ve been engulfed in the baby daddy drama since Jake and Cara started dating. I don’t know who’s had it harder — Jake, Bode, or Gene.

Jake talks to fire cadetsJake talks to fire cadets
(Sergei Bachlakov/CBS)

It seems like Jake and Bode both end up caring for the same female, only for that female to meet her demise. We hope that isn’t a prediction for Gabriela’s eventual future.

While both Jake and Bode lost Cara, at least Jake ended up with Gen. Although that wasn’t the original plan.

Does anyone think it’s wrong that Jake is ignoring Cara’s wishes about her daughter?

Yeah, Jake has a relationship with Genevieve. But even though he was engaged to Cara, she still asked Bode to raise her child. So, is it okay that Jake decided he was going to adopt her instead?

Jake embraces Gene in reliefJake embraces Gene in relief
(Eric Milner/CBS)

That doesn’t seem to be what Cara wanted. Even if it is what Genevieve wants.

Just as everyone was getting accustomed to Jake being Gene’s parental figure, a major plot twist occurred.

Bode’s new boss, Rick — the guy responsible for getting Bode hooked on drugs in high school — is in town to find out if he’s the father to Cara’s orphaned daughter. And maybe take her home with him.

People can change, and the show did a good job of setting up Rick’s redemption story, setting the stage for him to show that he’s in recovery and a good father.

Funny how the universe has a way of setting things in motion. After parts of the helicopter crashed into Smokey’s, Gen found herself trapped with Rick. They bonded during the entrapment, and Rick learned that she was Cara’s daughter, not Jake’s as he’d claimed.

Rick felt an instant paternal instinct towards Genevieve, even before he found out who she was. So it’s unsurprising that he told Jake he wanted a DNA test.

Eve tries to provide comfort to JakeEve tries to provide comfort to Jake
(Eric Milner/CBS)

Is Jake acting in Gen’s best interests by not wanting anyone else to have her, even her biological dad? We could tell he loved her by how out of his mind he was while she was stuck and hurt.

But if Rick is her father and she has siblings, wouldn’t it be selfish not to let her have that life? What do you think Jake should do?

Maybe he and Rick could work out a joint custody schedule.

Who’s Excited for Fire Country Season 3 Episode 2?

After last season’s flop, this viewer was skeptical of Fire Country Season 3. Especially since they’re already expanding the universe to include two spinoffs.

So, I had guarded hopes of seeing Fire Country return to the firefighting glory of the first season, with awesome fire crisis calls and less soap opera drama. We got more than enough of that with the too-stuffed ten-episode second season.

Gabriela in her firefighting jacketGabriela in her firefighting jacket
(Sergei Bachlakov/CBS)

Fire Country Season 3 Episode 1 had a nice tempo pace, with exciting emergencies and an adequate amount of tying up Fire Country Season 2 loose ends.

And it set the scene for Fire Country Season 3 Episode 2 perfectly.

Stop in the comments and give us your predictions. Do you agree with our theories or think we’ve gotten it wrong?

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